Worst Wife Ever

Socially, we were really busy a couple weekends ago. We have moved past that phase of being legitimately busy with the kids’ stuff. Moved past the seemingly never-ending phase of soccer games, basketball games, swim meets, band concerts, choir concerts, tennis matches. Those were the legitimately busy days. Now, we are into the days that are pretend busy. When we are busy, it’s mostly our own stuff. On that Saturday night, we had three social invitations. What a lucky problem to have!! This NEVER happens to us! Or maybe it always happens to us, that the three invites for the quarter are on the same night. That night, I went to Bunco with my friend, Sheila, while Travis loaded up his car with his guitar, amp, and microphone, and went to play with the Old Man Band at the Findlay’s annual St. Patrick’s Day party back in Lisle. The plan was to meet up at another friend’s shuffleboard party later in the night. 

To me, everything was going great! I was at bunco, laughing and having a ball. At some point, I realized I missed a text from Travis confirming Findlay’s address. I checked their address, and sent it to him. Perhaps I should note that I had to open the invitation to check the address. Then, I went back to my bunco babes. A bit later, Travis called  me. He asked, “Hey Jo, can you check the date on that invite?” It was at this point that I realized that I missed a number of texts from Travis. So I checked. Yup, I sent Travis to Lisle on the wrong Saturday. Since it was a facebook invitation, he didn’t get it. Only I did. So, he had no way to check the date. Only I did. And I had opened the invite to confirm that address that he has been to many times before… and still missed the date issue. 

When he interrupted them, Patty Findlay was getting into her pj’s to watch a movie. While I was sputtering apologies to Travis for sending all the way back to Lisle on the wrong weekend, I was also stifling a laugh. Seriously, who else would do this? I am an idiot! When I hung up the phone, my bundo babes wanted to know what was going on. I could barely get the story out, I was laughing so hard. I’m not sure that they thought it was as funny as I did, but my laugh seemed to be contagious, because then we were all laughing at poor Travis’ misfortune. We could analyze most of Traivs’ misfortune and point back to one event thirty years ago – marrying me! Poor, long-suffering Travis. And all I could do was laugh.

Fortunately, Travis was able to connect with our friend Matt in Downers Grove to play a couple sets on the guitar and drums. So, the trip was not wasted. Although, maybe Matt had other plans for the evening. At the end of bunco, I dropped Sheila off at home, including a fiasco where Stu (Sheila’s husband) ended up locked outside his own home, and I ended up locked inside the home. They have some issues with their storm door, apparently. Probably, the issue stems from my having used the storm door, but I’m not taking the fall for this one! By the time we got it all resolved with Stu inside and me outside, it was 11:20pm. I was debating just heading home, and not checking at my shuffleboard friend’s party. But, I practically had to drive right by their house to get home, so I checked it out, and the party was still going strong. So, I stopped in and joined the fun! Travis called and thought I was joking about it, but could hear the noise in the background. So, he stopped by Michelle and Mike’s party too. We agreed to leave at midnight, but ended up staying until 2am. This is not usually a good plan the day before leaving for a ski vacation… but the night was full of bad plans. And we weren’t even close to closing that party down. It was going strong at two, when we left.

After a great week skiing, Travis and I were able to attend the Findlay’s annual St. Patrick’s Day party… the following Saturday. And it was a blast! So, all’s well that ends well, right? And I am horrible for laughing at my sweet husband’s misfortune.

Have a great week everyone! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. It could be worse. You could be married to me!!