Winter Mornings

Remember when we first moved the clocks back to standard time and we actually got to see the sun when we got out of bed. I can actually recall there being a sliver of light in those early morning hours. It made getting out of bed so much easier. But the dark keeps creeping in on both edges of our daylight hours, thieving our morning sliver of light. Now I get up and get ready for work mostly in the dark. This has waged warfare on my mental well-being. I am waging war back. I now have a fleet of clothes that closely resemble pajamas that I can get away with wearing to work. I’ve decided that the trick is to wear normal shoes, so as to display that they are clearly NOT pajamas. If they were pajamas, I would have slippers on. I even have sweaters that feel like a bathrobe. In fact, these sweaters are nicer than my bathrobe. This helps combat the chill in my classroom, while trying to trick my brain into thinking that I am not really at work. I am snuggled up in comfy clothes. The presence of a room full of students might be an obvious contradiction, but I’m grasping here. 

Does anyone else play head games when the alarm goes off in the dark of night, signaling the beginning of another work day? I build in two snoozes, but that is simply not enough. Please, don’t tell me that snooze is bad for me. As I snuggle back under the covers, those 10 glorious minutes definitely don’t feel bad. The problem comes in on the third alarm… the one that signals that it’s time to embrace the day. Get up and get going. I have full conversations with myself, in my head, in the morning. Good Jo says, “RISE AND SHINE! GET UP! LET’S MOVE!” Bad Jo says, “Suck it Good Jo.” Here is my daily morning dialogue:

<< ALARM >>

Good Jo (GJ): That’s the third alarm. Time to get going!

Bad Jo (BJ): I can move a little faster and sleep 10 more minutes. It will be fine.

GJ: You don’t know how to move fast in the morning! Get up!

BJ: Nope. I can definitely get by with less time… SNOOZE.

<< ALARM >>

GJ: Ok, now you are already 10 minutes late! You have to get up and really get moving! You are running late and you haven’t even started your day.

BJ: Maybe if I don’t wash my hair, I can hit snooze again. 

GJ: Um, you didn’t wash your hair yesterday grease ball! There isn’t enough dry shampoo for day three. Besides, since when did washing your hair take 10 minutes, math girl? And you already slept that 10 minutes away.

BJ: Dry shampoo has come a long way. I’ve been wanting to see what day 3 looks like. Today is as good a day as any… SNOOZE.

<< ALARM >>

GJ: You’ve done it now! You are officially running 20 minutes late. HURRY! GET UP!”

BJ: Do I really need to shower today? I mean, isn’t that what deodorant is for? 


BJ: Somebody is crabby. You could use more sleep.

GJ: I could use more TIME to get ready for work, slacker!

BJ: Definitely more sleep…

GJ: Um, remember what your students smell like when they don’t shower? That could be YOU! Is this what you’re striving for? GET UP!

BJ: Definitely skip shower.

GJ: Your motivation is inspirational.

BJ: Shut up… SNOOZE.

<< ALARM >>

GJ: I give up. 

BJ: Omg! What is going on? Good Jo, what have you been doing? I am 30 minutes late! Seriously!

GJ: Can I quit this gig? Let’s just call in sick!

BJ: Even I know that we don’t call in sick if we aren’t sick. 

At this point, I fly out of bed, put on my work pajamas without a shower, attempt to get rid of bed-head, and go to work… just a little bit late. 

Have a great week everyone! May you wake before the sun, because you probably need to.