Wake up Benedictine

It has come to my attention that Benedictine University is allowing Sports Performance Volleyball in Aurora to host a camp on the Lisle campus, despite the University’s knowledge that Rick Butler, previously listed as the owner of Sports Performance (his wife is listed as owner now), is a sexual predator. Allow me to give you a little history regarding Rick Butler. Back in 1995, Sarah Powers-Barnhard, Julie Bremner-Romias and Christine Tuzi, went to DCFS with their stories of manipulation, sexual molestation, and rape at the hands of their high school travel volleyball coach, Rick Butler. There could not be a criminal prosecution because the statute of limitations had run out, but they did get Rick Butler a lifetime expulsion from USA Volleyball. That ruling was reversed after just five years.


Sarah Powers-Barnhard sued the Amateur Athletic Union for allowing Rick Butler to return to the AAU Girls’ Junior National Volleyball Championship as the coach of a U-18 team. Powers-Barnhard, herself an impressive volleyball coach in Jacksonville, Florida, was forced to see her rapist at national level volleyball events. What is difficult to imagine is what these women went through to bring justice way back in 1995. They were adults, with adult lives, which they put on full public display to go after a rapist. There was no fame or money in it for them. In fact, there was nothing but painful memories and the ridicule of Butler supporters. But they pressed forward in an effort for justice, not just for themselves, but for all his potential future victims. They went through the same trial again in their more recent lawsuit. Some of them now have children older than they were at the time of their rape. Now they must explain to their children that the right path is rarely the easy path, as they hold their own credibility up to casual conversation and scrutiny. And Powers-Barnhard was forced to watch her abuser coach young girls at events that take the girls away from the protection of their families, which is frequently where her abuse at the hands of Butler took place.


Fortunately, Powers-Barnhard, Bremner-Romias, and Tuzi prevailed and Rick Butler has been banned for life from USA Volleyball and the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU), and indefinitely suspended by the Junior Volleyball Association (JVA) due to inappropriate sexual contact with several of his players, stemming back to the 1980s. This more recent ban just occurred in March of 2018. Benedictine was notified of the lawsuit and Rick Butler’s reprehensible behavior in a letter to the university legal counsel and the athletic director back in July of 2017. I have sent numerous emails and had lengthy phone conversations regarding Rick Butler and the ban from the three governing agencies of volleyball over the last two months. So, I ask, why is this club still hosting a camp on the Lisle campus? As an alum and member of the athletic hall of fame, I am outraged. As a parent, I am mortified that the almighty dollar has once again trumped the safety of our kids, common sense, and moral decency.


Many of you know my connection to this case. I have been friends with Julie Bremner-Romias since we were in Kindergarten. Our friendship now is typical of old friends separated by great distance and different paths. We talk on the phone a few times a year (although we are trying to talk more often). We text a little more often than that. We exchange Christmas cards when either of us has time to actually send them out. But Julie hung in the same tight group back in grade school, and that connection is hard to break. And so, we are still connected through time and space.


Think about this people. A coach is who we leave our children with for hours a day. He has untethered access to our children. We encourage our children to listen to him and obey him. He develops more influence over our children than even their teachers, because, frequently a coach is with the kids through many years. This is a breach of trust on the highest level. Rick Butler attacked these girls when entrusted to his care and authority. These girls told him NO, and he had sex with them anyway.


Julie, Sarah, and Christine, you are my heroes. You are my children’s heroes. You may be my children’s saviors. Because of your strength, people know about Rick Butler and his abuse. Because of others like you, coaches will continue to be brought out on abuse. What mystifies me is the people that still trust their girls to his care. Some argue that he has changed. Some argue that the women are making up the rape (although Butler himself admits to having sex with all three of them) despite the complete lack of anything gained by these brave women. It pains me that he continues to get rich off the sport of volleyball long after he should have been expelled from it. It baffles me that he continues to have unfettered access to young girls, who idolize him, and believe that only he holds the key to their athletic future. What about the emotional turmoil that the victims must continue to carry with them? Especially Powers-Barnhard, seeing him at large volleyball tournaments, watching him coach young, impressionable girls.


So Julie and I were texting again tonight about a case that we thought was on a healing path for her back in 1995. She was so open about it back then. She really put herself out there. And then she did it again. I hope she takes strength in the knowledge that she is now protecting her sweet son and all the other children (like mine), involved in sports, from abusers and rapists that use positions of authority to victimize young kids. I’m in your corner. Please lean on me when you need to. It turns out that Indiana isn’t too far to be whatever kind of support you need.


And now I need public outrage. I would love for Benedictine to hear from the community regarding the camp at the Lisle campus. I am assured that Rick Butler is banned from being on campus, but I am not comfortable that this is really enforceable. Even if he stays off campus, are we okay that this man continues to earn his living coaching volleyball after being banned from the three biggest volleyball organizations in the country, due to credible claims of inappropriate sexual behavior with three of his players? I’m not. I hope you’re not. I am happy to provide email addresses to anyone that is interested in sending Benedictine an email regarding Rick Butler and Sports Performance Volleyball. Google Rick Butler if you are interested in further reading.

3 thoughts on “Wake up Benedictine”

  1. Please provide the email addresses. This is unacceptable and are we supposed to believe that he stopped molesting children after these three girls left? Especially since he was getting away with it? I also believe there shouldn’t be a statue of limitations on rape. Children need to mature, have therapy, come to grips with what happened and find someone they can trust. This doesn’t happen overnight and cannot have a time frame attached to it. Part of his sentence should have been the demand to sell the company so he can no longer profit for his crime committed during “work hours”. Inexcusable.

  2. Thank you Joanne, it seems its always harder to do the right thing, as your college is proving that point. I cant understand that a “christian” school would rather keep company with Penn State and Michigan State on this matter . Out of curiosity, what is IBC’s profit margin on this camp? I just want to know what is the number our abuse is worth for your school. $20,000, $50,000 would we matter if it was only $1,000. Will they hand out the law suit to the parents as they drop their precious daughters off at the dorms to be left alone and unsupervised, making sure the parents are aware of the dangers this club offers. Most likely not, I’m sure they believe that isn’t their issue – OH BUT IT IS!
    So thank you from the bottom of my heart for standing with us and fighting for the right thing, even when your own school turns a blind eye!
    Christine Tuzi – rape victim of Rick Butler

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