The Slow March to Christmas

I’ve been seeing posts about how fast December has flown by. As a teacher, I couldn’t disagree more. This is the first year that I have taught the entire school year up to this point, and December has trudged by in a fog of exhaustion. Every weekday morning, I would think, “Am I sick?” No, I was tired. There’s a difference. So, I pulled my sorry butt out of bed to teach. Back in late September, I thought I had a handle on the teaching thing. It took me too long to grade tests, but that was my one thing. Then, in October, my coaching season started, with my 7:15pm to 9:00pm practices, and I couldn’t manage my time anymore. I honestly don’t know how anyone works this job with grace. By Friday, my face is so sunken with exhaustion, I look like a skeleton. Well, a plump skeleton, because the rest of my body does NOT have any resemblance to a skeleton.

And the students alternated between antsy and sleeping. I’m not sure which is worse. So, it trudged, like our grandparents walking to school in waist high snow, uphill both ways. I think that joke came from the lack of desire to be in school in December. It was tough to teach Math in this environment. Kids miss school for contact tracing, illness, shopping days, hair appointments, exhaustion, or whatever, leaving teachers struggling to close the knowledge gap before test days pop up. I don’t begrudge missing days. In fact, I am jealous. When is teacher shopping day? 

Truth is, I’m not even sure I am good at the teaching thing. I definitely try, but some days I don’t have much to give. And those last two days before winter break…. Ugh!! We are on our first day of break today, Wednesday.

On a purely academic level, I understand why those two days into this week exist. But the students that show up, don’t really show up. By last period yesterday, I had only half my students in class. The teachers struggle too. In January though, those two days will seem genius, when we get to extend the break a couple work days. I enjoy thinking about that. We will all moan that we need more time, but deep down, we will be ready to go back. That three day, short week, in January, will be just the thing to break everybody back into the routine without too much struggle. 

My fast part of December has just started. The clock is running to fit the final grading of tests in with coaching, wrapping, planning Christmas, volunteering, skiing (must fit skiing in!), finding quality time with the kiddos, gathering with friends and family, and relaxing. GO! Then, I will drop off the face of the earth when school starts back up again. That’s all I can manage. So, appreciate the teachers in your life, even if you don’t love them. We are all trying to keep it together, with a little grace.

Merry Christmas everyone! I am thankful for you! Christmas will never replace Thanksgiving as my favorite holiday, but I still love the chance to bask in the warmth of the people that love me despite my many, MANY flaws.