The Exodus

Taryn met us at Tessa’s drop off so we could get a picture on the couch.

This last week saw the return to college of Taryn and Tessa. I remain happy and sad about this. Having all of us in the house while I was working was a challenge, but I am still sad to see them go. They both seemed to have mixed feelings, returning to college with so much Covid uncertainty. Even Tessa, the bulldog of independence, appeared a little sad to end her extended time home. 

Truth is, I am not the parent that typically cries at the milestones. I cry at random times, and I cry a lot, but that’s mostly due to an eye condition that I am seeing a doctor for right now. I was the mom doing a little dance at Kindergarten drop off, while the other moms were getting emotional. Okay, I may have gotten a little emotional at Tayden’s drop off, but that’s because he is the last and I felt the epic shift in my world. But Tayden, in typical Tayden style, just waved and said, “Bye Mom! See you in a little while.” That kid may look like Travis, but he’s all mine!!

So, the girls are gone… for now. Who knows what this year holds. Already in our little high school, kids are being sent home for 14 days to quarantine due to close contact with a Covid positive student. This year feels so uncertain. And if the colleges decide to send students home, I will have to go to both schools separately to collect the mountains of college stuff that I dropped off. I KNOW! Poor planning! I should have sent them with next to nothing, but the drop off felt so positive in this questionable world, that I got all enthusiastic about things and even gave Tessa one of my couches right out of my living room. From the living room to the dorm room with no “rec room” stage in between. My poor couch is in for a rough run. Meanwhile, the brother couch is enjoying the reduced volume that comes with the college exodus. 

So, I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed that things stay calm and my kids get a semi-normal school experience this year. And I hope that they stay healthy. Let’s all mask up because that seems like the best chance we have at normalcy. Even if time proves that the masks didn’t provide the protection we thought it would, at least it feels like we are pulling together to try to make a change, to try to return to normal. 

Here’s to optimistic beginnings and empty-feeling houses. What a wonderful thing! Have a great week everyone!