The Apple Didn’t Fall Far

The other morning, while Travis was in the shower, I mentioned that the trash needed to be collected from the whole house and taken out. It was really more of a verbal mental checklist for me. By saying it out loud, I was holding myself accountable to complete the task, while also possibly gaining some assistance. I’m not sure if Travis misinterpreted the urgency of the task (maybe because conversations where one person is in the shower necessitate yelling to be heard) or if he just wanted to check it off his list, but while I was still getting ready for the day, I heard some talking and the front door open. I walked into the kitchen and looked out the front window (my house is unusual, with the kitchen looking out the front of the house… I never thought much about it until a friend pointed it out, but I can’t think of another house with the kitchen in the front), and I saw Travis taking out the trash wrapped in his towel. Tessa was helping him, dressed for the weather. This completely confirmed for me that we are the weird neighbors. Every cluster of houses has a weird family. If you don’t know who it is, it’s you. 

Fortunately, they had to make a couple of trips, so I was able to snap a couple pictures for your viewing pleasure. Also, you can appreciate that you don’t live near us. 

After the towel man and his assistant completed their task, we laughed about another family story. Many years ago, a neighbor of Travis’ parents (Vito) walked up to Merle (Trav’s dad) and said, “I was wondering about the weather today and thought I’d look out my front window and see what the neighbors were wearing to gauge the day’s temperature. What do I see? You, in shorts and a t-shirt, talking to Mike, who is dressed in a parka, hat, and gloves, as if a blizzard is imminent. That created more questions than it answered.”

So, as Travis, Tessa, and I laughed about that long-ago story, I came to a realization that Travis is way more like his Dad than I realized. Perhaps, I should be paying closer attention now, so I know what’s coming. Laugh a little less about Merle’s eccentricities and take more notes. 

Have a great week everyone. Things could be worse. You could live next to us. 

3 thoughts on “The Apple Didn’t Fall Far”

  1. Too crazy but so entertaining. I do remind myself that we are related, but only by distance.

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