Sock Hoarder

We are coming up on that magical time of year where we give and receive new socks. My problem is, I’m a sock hoarder. I LOVE new socks! But I just can’t get rid of the old ones, if they still have some wear in them. Am I the only person? My sock drawer is jam packed with “just in case” socks. You know the “just in case” socks! I have to keep them just in case we have silly sock day at school… or just in case I need a sturdy, knee high sock for weeding my yard. I don’t remember the last time we had silly sock day at school, yet I have 20 pairs of nearly new socks for that exciting day. The weeding thing happens all summer, but I tend to wash and wear the same two pairs of socks, so 10 pairs of socks that fit that bill never see the light of day. I have a bunch of my formerly favorite socks taking up space. I sometimes still wear those, but they have to share space with the new favorite socks. And now that it’s boot season, I just found the perfect sock to wear under my boots. They are thin, black, and difficult to pick out of the clean laundry, so I have 12 pairs of those, even though I only need about five a week, and I wash the load that they end up in once a week. 

By my own estimate, I can wear a different pair of socks everyday, and not get through the sock drawer for three months. And that doesn’t even count the socks that never make it to the drawer. See, truthfully, my sock drawer is full even without adding my favorite, favorite socks. My favorite, favorite socks include the boot socks and these low ankle socks that have the chubby back end so the sock doesn’t slip into my shoe. Those socks sit in a basket by the foot of my bed. Sometimes I sort them, so they have their buddy, but most times, they just sit unsorted in that basket, reminding me every day that I am a sock hoarder and there is no room in the sock drawer for them. Now that it’s cold, my favorite Sam’s club wool socks will join them. I had a bunch of those, but they were getting thin, so I bought a bunch more. Every morning, I get up, make a pot of coffee, fill the dogs’ water bowls, and pick through the basket for the socks of the day before I trudge into the shower.

I even have socks that don’t live in that drawer or that basket. Our ski socks live in a basket that is kept in the storage room, next to the skis, gloves, helmets, ski boots, and other ski wear. It just makes sense. Since they are only worn for skiing, that’s where they should live. And I have no room for them anywhere else. I try to grab and wash the ski socks that belong to the kids that still live at home, so they can stay by the skis. That way, there is no scrambling through their own sock issues (that they undoubtedly inherited from me) when they need the ski socks. I also have a bag of socks that I don’t wear anymore in my closet. Does goodwill take socks? I’ve been thinking about getting rid of them, since I don’t wear them, but they still have some wear left. In fact, they landed in the closet the last time I got to this point, when I could barely open my sock drawer, but it’s full of socks I don’t like. 

So it’s now close to Christmas. I am ready for the sock apocalypse, where everybody else will be sorry that they got rid of those “just in case” socks. But new socks are coming, because we always get new socks at Christmas. Where will these socks live? Are the socks in the drawer sad that they never get used? Can I bear to part with them? Why do I even want them? UGH!!

So, add this to my list of issues. We all have issues. I’m just more honest about mine than most people. And really, my sock drawer is WAY too small!! I just don’t have any other drawers to give to the socks. Have a great week everyone! Clean out the sock drawers to prepare for the new, incoming, Christmas socks!