Sisters Weekend 2020

The Whole Group

I have never posted a harrumph that is mostly pictures, but I thought I’d give it a try. This past weekend was my Sister/Sister-in-Law Weekend. This year, it fed my soul even more than most years because I hadn’t seen many of them for a while due to Covid restrictions. I feel like we hear it on the news and from other people, but we need to make sure we are taking care of ourselves and our relationships for our own mental health. Some of these sisters helped raise me- okay, mostly just Debbie- but they have been there my entire life, so it’s hard to go too long without seeing them. 

We had to go to a new location because the house we have rented for 20 years moved to monthly rentals due to Covid cleaning requirements, but it was never about the location. Although, many thanks to Ginny and Rob for letting us rent your beautiful home in South Haven. 

There were eleven of the twelve this year. Mel and I only overlapped for a little while Saturday because I had Tayden’s marching band Friday night and she had Mikey’s swim meet Saturday. It was great to see her, even for just a little while. Next year, if there are eleven again, we will probably abduct whomever is missing. 

And today is Dad’s 88th birthday. Debbie, Teresa and I visited Dad and Liz yesterday to celebrate Covid style, so I threw that on the end! Happy birthday Dad!

We aren’t too old for a pyramid…according to Laura.
Thanks for the cute matching masks Catherine.
Who’s in charge here? It looks like nobody is monitoring the intake.
Beautiful, although I think the lower haze is due to the California wildfires.
Dinner! But I wasn’t there yet, so how fun could it have been?
The only time a guy can come it through necessity. John and my niece Sara came to pick up Gayle, who had just had knee surgery and didn’t want to wait for one of the crazy ladies to drive her home. Actually, John and Sara were camping nearby, so it wasn’t a problem.
Walks on the beach.
That water was COLD!!! That’s Teresa, me, Sharon, Laura, and Jeannie. The others took a pass. They are smarter than us.
All six sisters!
Happy 88th Birthday Dad!!

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