
I have a staple supply of things that I have no intention of giving up: wine, coffee, chocolate. Here are a few things I fully intend to give up in 2018:

• Vomiting. After vomiting for 24 hours last week, I think that I have no need for additional vomiting this year. That nasty stomach bug is the reason I didn’t harrumph last week. And it still has lingering effects. So, I resolve to quit vomiting.

• Complaining about the cold and snow. Yes, I’m tired of it, you’re tired of it, and everyone is tired of it. Actually, I am quite fond of the snow, but have no use for temperatures below 20 degrees. But I still complain about snow, mostly because, for some reason, there is absolutely no way that the snow will be removed from the streets before people have to leave for work and school. There must not be much competition for snow removal around here, because it isn’t removed from around my house until noon. But I’ve said it, so now I’m done. We own cars now that can get through it. Thanks for that extra expense snow removal company.

• Getting sick in general. I have been through two flus, two colds, and one stomach bug. I should have gotten a flu shot. I thought last year, working at the school for a whole year, I had experienced every flu and cold and had built up a tolerance. Wrong! But I am done with that. I am giving it up.

• Fighting with my kids. Now, I win! All the time!! Because I said so! Because I am in charge! You get to win when you are in charge. You are in charge when you don’t live in my house or live on money that came from my house. No more fighting.

• Trying to watch TV shows that make me crazy because everyone else thinks they are great. I just can’t get attached to This is Us. Sorry! Are these people ever really happy? Everything… EVERYTHING… is so dramatic. Get over it! I am not watching it anymore. It depresses me. I skipped it last night and felt ecstatic!! It was like I was cheating on a diet and still losing weight. Like the weight of the cloud that that show casts over me. And now I dance!!! (You can berate me in the comments section. I expect it.)

• Hot flashes. I am tired of waking up shivering in a pool of my own sweat at 3 am. So, I am giving them up. I don’t like them. Be gone!

• Pretending I can keep up with laundry. There was this one day that I thought I was caught up. Then Tayden cleaned his room. It’s never going to happen. Stop pretending.

• Pretending I keep a clean house. If my house is clean when you come over, then you either caught me on a super rare day, we are not very good friends, or you don’t come by very often so I had to clean for you. We live in a state of comfortable clutter here. I have no idea how people keep spotless houses. I feel incapable. Or disinterested in it.

So, those are my resolutions for 2018. Maybe, just maybe, I can keep to this list. Or a couple things on this list. I hope you have found a few reasonable resolutions. Please feel free to share. Bring it on 2018!!

1 thought on “Resolutions”

  1. Dear Joii, I had no idea that you had been that ill…I’m really sorry to hear that but also glad that you are giving up all of those nasty health issues for 2018! Your other resolutions are also excellently chosen!! I see a WONDERFUL 2018 coming your way! This is another five star Harumpf! 💚💚

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