Quarantine Blues and Whites

No, you cannot come in!! Go back to work and school!

Snow! Seriously snow on April 15. Okay, so it’s not a blizzard or anything, but it’s sticking, and the white is making me blue. This is exactly the type of snow that my coworker, Lexy, and I would be doing the happy dance about in December. Lexy would even be happy in November, but I have too many people over for Thanksgiving to be happy about snow in November. On the upside, most of us don’t have anywhere to be. On the downside, I am pretty sure that Porter County (my county) has packed up the plows and salt layers, so for those that do have to drive, it will be a bit slick. 

There are a few other things to note about being in quarantine. Most of you are suffering the same as I am, but perhaps it’s good to make entries for historical reference. The other day, I realized that the soap dispenser in the main floor half bath was empty. I have no idea how long it had been empty because I usually walk past that bathroom and go into my master bath on the same floor, leaving the half bath available for others. I let it go for about six hours before I had the great revelation that I actually want them to wash their hands with SOAP when they are done using the bathroom. So, I filled the soap dispenser with the soap that was under the sink in that very bathroom. No searching for soap required. UGH!

Has anyone else noticed that they don’t actually have enough closet space for ALL their clothes. I am more caught up with laundry than I have been since I had my first child nearly 23 years ago. We don’t have space for all the clothes to be clean. The closet algorithm requires that a certain percentage of clothes be dirty and in the hamper or laundry room sorting bins. So, the next project is to clean out closets. When is the last time I wore that t-shirt in the bottom of my drawer? It’s probably from a different size time-frame anyway. OUT! All of you old clothes, OUT!!

Our pets are tired of us and want us to return to work and school…even our dogs, who are the epitome of love and snuggles. Our former barn cat, Bruce, is just hissing at everyone. While not usually cuddly, he is typically happy to see us, even if it is only because we feed him. Now he just walks around with a permanent stink-eye. Our other cat, Apollo, can only be seen when he wants to be seen. I think he has a secret lair where he spends most of his time. Roscoe, our poor old chocolate lab, has arthritis, and is moving around too much with all the house activity. So, now his limp is more pronounced. Blackie, our old terrier, is just shaking more, because she doesn’t understand what’s going on. She doesn’t like things she doesn’t understand. And there is no clear time frame to return to normal.

Finally, box wine is not my friend. It’s typically not as good as my regular bottled fare and it’s too difficult to know how much I’ve had. So, no more box wine! After the current one is gone…which shouldn’t be too long. 

Have a snuggly week everyone! Let it snow! UGH!