Not Bougie!

We are not bougie. Perhaps we should strive to be a little more bougie, because we border on careless.  Allow my case in point. We were visiting IUPUI in Indianapolis to see if Tayden may be interested in attending college there. We had to drag Tayden on the visit because he was certain that he hated that school when we visited it a couple years ago with Tessa. He was convinced that Purdue Northwest or Ball State were his choices. I argued that it had his choice of study and that he should at least rule it out. As a bonus, we got to stop in and see Tessa. We didn’t even stay the night (Tayden’s choice). 

We had a great visit. The tour groups are very small. We shared our tour with only one other family. We got to talk to the director of recruitment for Tayden’s college of choice and she was incredibly knowledgeable, even directing Tayden to other fields of interest within the college. Tayden impressed us with his knowledge of the various programs used in Computer Animated Design, a course that he is currently rocking at the local vocational school. We wandered the entire campus, on the tour and on our own. We visited Tessa, which included checking on a flat tire that her car, named Goff, had. Goff’s tire seems to be holding air, so either it is sitting directly on the nail that caused the leak, thus plugging it temporarily, or a college student pulled a prank and let out the air. The visit was fruitful because Tayden switched IUPUI to his number one choice. 

We went home tired but happy. When we were walking into our house in the late afternoon, I noticed that Travis had a huge hole in the butt of his pants. Like, big enough to reach my hand through. When did this happen? How had I missed this? Thinking back, I realized that I am a person that likes to be at the front of a tour. Sometimes I am moving along so fast that I am ahead of the tour guide, forcing the guide to give directions like, “okay, so we will turn right up here.” Maybe I was never behind Travis. Maybe it happened on the drive home. Although, the most likely place for the tear to occur was when looking at Tessa’s tires, which we did before the college visit. If you recall, I had a similar tear when I went Christmas shopping after work a couple years back. I think maybe Travis and I hold onto our clothes a little too long!

In true Travis style, he shrugged and moved the pants to the “work pant” pile. I’ve been trying to toss them ever since, but they look like all his other jeans, so I would have to embark on a truly determined search to find them when they aren’t on him. We’ve been working on our basement and Travis has chosen these jeans as his work jeans for the project. I am unsure where they are hanging out when he isn’t wearing them. I am pretty sure he went to Home Depot in these jeans the other day. On purpose. Well, sorta on purpose. He purposely wore them that day to work in the basement. Then, when he needed to go to the store, he went. Ugh! I think Travis is anti-bougie, determined to prove that he will never be bougie! We believe, Travis! We believe! To be truthful, he comes by it genetically because I can picture his dad, Merle, wearing pants just like these. Actually, I have SEEN Merle wearing pants like these. There is plenty to admire about Merle. His work pants aren’t on that list. Now let me throw out those jeans!