
I lost an old friend from the neighborhood this week. I won’t pretend to be closer than we were. Even in childhood, Mike McCann and I were casual neighborhood friends. We ran with different groups, but were always friendly and ended up at the pool or in the backyards playing kick the can together from time to time. He was one of those friends that were constantly in my young orbit, without being a central player. After high school, we went our separate ways and only saw each other occasionally. We stayed in touch mostly through facebook. 

One recurring event from my childhood that included Mike was from grade school and middle school. Mike lived up the block and would walk to our bus stop in the mornings to play street football. There were probably two bus stops that were closer to him, but he came down to our stop to play football. We played on Westview, the street in front of Meadows School. Many a play was interrupted with a yell of, “CAR!!” We’d all scamper off to the side and impatiently wait for the car to pass. If it was someone that passed everyday, they would wave and smile at us, knowing we would be in the street. The game went on in most weather, with the snow and ice patches acting as additional obstacles. We played with a small toy football that was easy to tuck away when the bus came rumbling over the hill. I still don’t know who actually brought the football. Mike was usually quarterback. Life was a little bit simpler and was tainted with the innocence of youth. 

I looked for a photo with Mike from childhood. Back then, a person had to really think about taking a picture, so I couldn’t find one. Also, there could be a picture of us together, but someone else took it, so I wouldn’t have a copy. We couldn’t just press a couple buttons and the entire collected group had our picture. 

I’m a little nostalgic and sad this week, thinking about the old days and the group of people that helped make me who I am. They were part of the foundation of my life. It seems like my group of 80 kids from the 1984 St. Joan of Arc class has had an unfair number of losses. I count four, which seems high for our 50 years. 

So I bid farewell to my friend Mike. May you Rest In Peace, free from your health problems, watching over your wife, children, and mom who must navigate life without your presence. You and your dad can catch up. 

With the current Covid restrictions, I will not go to the service. Normally I would have, but I feel like those spots should be reserved for his close friends and family. So this is the closest I have to goodbye. I will keep your family and friends in my thoughts and prayers. It looks like you touched a lot of lives, so you enjoyed a life well lived. 

3 thoughts on “Mike”

  1. Joann—thank you so much for this beautiful memory. I will share it with our family. The Meadows was a very special place to grow up. Mike loved that neighborhood and would often take his kids there to show them all his favorite places. I appreciate your sensitivity to the virus. I’m a little worried too about gathering. If you’d like the funeral service can be accessed on the St Margaret Mary website—SMMP.com. It will be live at 11 am on Friday and they’ll leave it up for several days. Thanks again for your memory of Mike.

  2. Nice to hear about the “golden” days with Mike as quarterback, and kids being kids trying to entertain themselves waiting for the bus. I remember Mike mostly as a fellow swimmer on the Dolphins swim team. I was certainly sad to hear the news of his passing, it was far too early for someone of “our age”, to depart. Thanks for sharing!

  3. That was beautiful Joanne… when I heard the news all of that came rushing back.. kick the can, capture the flag… meadows pool. Like Ron said Indian Guides. I found this old pic from an old post. The meadows was a like a big family. I feel like all of us who lives in that subdivision were all connected and always will be. Mike will be missed.

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