Mailbox Delivery

The peaceful coexistence of two mailboxes and a cable box.

As usual, we are hectically planning Tayden’s graduation party. I never mailed invitations, so if you feel like I missed getting you one via text (and I probably did), please PM me and I will send you the details. Anyone interested is invited, so if you’d like to come, just let me know. In the planning, we realized that we need to get the boat trailers off the driveway, because we need our driveway for parking for the party. Parking is already a nightmare at our house without adding trailers to the mix. It was time to disseminate our trailer park. 

So, added to other party preparations is finding a storage place to store our boat trailers for the summer. Other preparations usually only include cleaning and more cleaning, because we get too comfortable with our level of living, which isn’t all that tidy. Travis and I have successfully passed the clutter gene down to our kids. Lucky for me, Travis had accidentally taken Tuesday off due to a miscommunication. He was supposed to take next Tuesday off. I’ll deal with next Tuesday next week when I have time. I know enough about hooking up and hauling trailers to do it, but I will second guess myself and take forever hooking up the thing.Travis, on the other hand, hooks the trailers up without any problem. 

By Monday, I had secured a location, but we couldn’t drop off any trailers until after 10am Tuesday, and the lady at the shop preferred I call her first, so that they didn’t have two trailer drop offs at the same time. Of course, Travis had already let work know that he didn’t need that day off after all, and had to be at the office by 11:30. I started calling the storage office at 10, while completing the paperwork and printing our proof of boat insurance. Am I the only one that has to reset my password for certain sites because I think I pick one I will remember, but I never remember it? State Farm is like that for me because I don’t use the app very often. That, and I am an idiot for a certain percentage of my waking hours, so using apps is always included in the idiot time. 

By the time everything settles, we are pulling out of our ample driveway with the 30 foot pontoon trailer at 10:45. Even I know there is no way we can get two trailers to the storage place and settle accounts in 45 minutes so Travis can get to work by 11:30 (never mind that he also has to drive to the office), but I keep my idiot mouth shut, because at this point, some of my smarter brain cells are kicking in, and I really, really need Travis’ help with this. As we are pulling out of the driveway, a car appears from around the corner to the left. Our driveway has a bend to the left and a hill to the right, so it’s handy when you need to pull a 30 foot trailer to storage. Inexplicably, I am driving. Okay, okay, I am driving to get practice driving with a trailer, but it was a bad idea under the circumstances. Since I am paying attention to the car coming from the left, I cut the turn too tight and take out our neighbor’s mailbox. Knocked that darn thing into two pieces just as Travis was yelling (while sitting next to me in the vehicle), “WATCH OUT FOR THE MAILBOX!!!!!” 

Of course, I immediately stop. The oncoming car has to stop too, because I am completely blocking the road. After observing the situation from the car, I realize that I must pull my trailer ahead and out of the road. Since everyone was stopped, I could do this nice and slowly, which is what I should have done in the first place. I also got to clearly see the other drivers head shake and look of disapproval as he passed. We laid our neighbor’s mailbox on the ground and called him. Apparently this has happened before because he has a spare mailbox, but we needed to order a new mailbox from the subdivision office to replace his spare. The damage to the trailer was insignificant. There was a bit of a gouge on the top of one of the toon holders, so it must have run under a portion of the mailbox. UGH! I was so close to making it! I left the main post in place!

The morning was a successful failure because we did succeed in dropping off the two trailers. Travis made me drive the longer one to the storage place because I needed to build confidence. His sharp, barking instructions did nothing to build confidence. And I definitely wasn’t backing it up, so he did that. He made it to work 30 minutes late, which in Haldetime (Haldeman time) is actually on time. 

By the way, we cancelled the order for a new box because our neighbor decided he wanted to test his welding skills, and fixed that darn box. Now our box, his box, and the frontier cable box can go back to coexisting peacefully until they get hit the next time. Have a week everyone!