
the kids, circa 2010

I’ve gotten used to quarantine. I have. Indiana is slowly opening, and I am not participating…for the most part. I did get a haircut yesterday, but since my hairdresser works in her converted porch on the front of her house, it seemed like a visit with a friend. I never entered the “real” house. But outside of that, I have largely continued my existence in yoga pants and t-shirts, pretending that not much of the outside world exists. We’ve never done this before. Last night, we played Quiplash (it’s a game on the computer that we can all play together) because Abby visited and she strongly adheres to social distancing, so we couldn’t pass cards because we all have to touch the cards (unavoidable), so this game works because each player submits answers on his/her phone. It’s hilarious. We were having a ball… even if I didn’t win once. Not even a sympathy win for the amazing dinner I made. After Quiplash, we sat around visiting, laughing, and oddly, singing tacocat. Look up tacocat if you don’t have the pleasure of knowing the jingle. You will be sorry. 

As I lay on the floor falling asleep while Abby was introduced to the wildly inappropriate movie Caddyshack, I realized how lucky I am. My kids get along (most of the time) and we all enjoy spending time together. Now, I don’t want to project any false illusions of “Little House on the Prairie.” Many nights, the kids are doing their own things and Travis and I are watching Netflix. But last night felt good. My house is a mess with all these people around all the time. I am busy, but still not getting long overdue projects done. I am not sure where all the time is bleeding away to. But at its core, everything is as it should be. And last weekend, Tessa and Tayden surprised me by organizing and cleaning the entire main floor. It’s already a mess again, but it was great while it lasted, and the thought was priceless. 

Next week, I return to full time work at the school for a couple weeks. I am terrified. There will only be students on locker clean-out day, so it won’t be normal work. Still, I am scared of the structure of day to day work. I have gone in for a half day here and there to pay bills and do a deposit, but the paperwork is largely piling up. I don’t know if I’m able to finish everything. There is a rising panic in my chest. I will have to get up, shower, wear normal clothes, and report somewhere at a designated time. Is a couple weeks enough time to catch up on a couple months worth of work? Do I even remember how to do things?

I think I am enjoying the close out of my quarantine. I am saddened by those that are struggling to make ends meet and the state of our economy. I have observed friends lose loved ones and not be able to share the loss with friends. I am terrified by Covid and all the things that we don’t know. But during this time, I appreciate my Core family so much. There is an overwhelming feeling that I played a tiny part in something meaningful and special in creating these people. So, remember to hug those that you are allowed to hug. And reach out to those that don’t have anyone to hug. Happy humpday everyone. 

1 thought on “Lucky”

  1. Joanne- As always thank you it for sharing the latest. A nice way of staying connected with family

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