Lawn Mowing Season has officially begun! This means that we have survived another Driveway Season! As you may recall, our driveway is cause for much grief, even in mild winters. But this year, with a couple minor exceptions, driveway season was also mild. Not one single person or piece of machinery slid the length of the driveway. Maybe, just maybe, the previous owner of our house was correct. Maybe, we got used to the driveway. He said we would! Or maybe, the driveway has trained us. Only buy 4WD or AWD cars. Only dare to venture onto the driveway in winter if you have Yaktrax on your boots. Snowblow in the correct pattern. Only shovel one half of the driveway… your car isn’t that wide. This saves time, and leaves half the driveway covered with snow, in case that means better traction.
And so, Big Green has exited his winter slumber in the garage, and has begun his weekly trek over our slice of property. I was complaining that the grass wasn’t cutting as crisply, so Trav and I decided to sharpen the blades. We’ve never done this on a riding mower before. We thought (incorrectly) that we could sharpen them while they were still mounted on the mower. That involved a lot of angling and swearing. We ended up removing the blades and sharpening them, which was only an hour or so of bickering. And the results were devine!!! We might just be sharpening blades every spring! Although, I completely understand why people choose to PAY someone else to maintain their mower. I have decided that Travis and I would have no idea what to talk about if we didn’t get to bicker over random maintenance items. And Trav has a major May project on the agenda, so the fun can continue. If anyone is bored in May and wants to lend a hand, let me know. We already don’t agree on how it should be done, so it promises to be fun! And that area of the yard is covered in poison ivy, which I am highly sensitive to. Let the good times roll!
We have also begun Scoop the Lake season. Unbeknownst to us when purchasing this property, we are the collection point (or one of them) of debris for our lake. So, while I mowed on Big Green, with his gloriously sharp blades, Travis scooped leaves from the lake. Summer lovin over here! I am still super excited for the summer!
Have a great week everyone! For those of us working in education, Prom season also begins the month of extreme laziness for our students. Send us strength!