Jo Ways

Sometimes I wonder why my friends keep me around. Maybe it’s because I’m quirky, maybe I’m funny, or maybe it’s because I’m a little crazier than the rest of them. If I’m around, none of them have to be “that crazy friend” because I take the designation. That must be it. Anyway, I have some things that are a little off about me. Maybe others do these things too. You may also be “that crazy friend.” So here are some things I noticed about myself recently.

If I see a little stain on an article of clothing that I just cleaned, I can still wear it, right? It’s a clean stain. I don’t want to toss it back into the dirty laundry just for that tiny stain. People probably won’t even notice anyway.

I have had my decorative Christmas plates up all year. That cheery snow scene with the trees on the old time cars was gracing the wall in 90 degree heat. I saw it a couple times, but mostly I just didn’t notice. And when I saw it, I couldn’t just leave the wall bare, so I decided I should try to remember to look for new plates, and promptly forgot all about it. Now, it’s almost seasonal again, so I guess I’ll just leave it. I’m sure I’ll remember to replace them in February.

When I get an alarm in my car, I go all out. I was leaving work the other day and Bert (the SUV of questionable origin) was beeping. As I was driving, I thought, “What is that annoying noise?” Yet, I was not concerned enough to stop driving. Then I realized I had the parking brake engaged. No problem. Turn that off on the fly. Bert is still beeping. Ugh! I guess I need my seat belt. Put that on while navigating the school exit. At that point, the beeping stopped, but the triangle exclamation point was on. I noticed I was nearly out of gas. Ah, no worries, I will fill up on the way to the grocery store. Then, I noticed that the low tire message filled the little space where I was supposed to be able to read Bert’s mileage. Not that I was concerned about mileage, but the low tire message is bright orange. At this point, I was at a quadruple fail! Should I even be on the road? Poor Bert! He tries so hard!

During a flickering power outage, my bedroom lights went to a permanent brown-out. You would think I would replace the light bulbs, but you would be wrong. Instead, it became a challenge. Try to navigate the room in the semi-dark without stubbing a toe or going down. Only the weak change the bulbs. Recently, they started working again. I don’t know if the fates took pity on me and fixed the problem, or if it was Travis. I suspected Travis, but he denies changing the bulbs. And usually when he does a job like that, there is evidence, like the box that the bulbs came in on the bed, with one good bulb still in it. That stuff is my part of the bulb change. Anyway, it’s fixed. If only all house repairs were so easy.

I save the half empty water bottles found around my house to water my plants. I need more plants. I don’t even buy water bottles because we have reusable ones and tap water is fine. I am at risk of drowning my plants. It’s either flood or drought around here for the plants.

So there it is. The ways of Jo. Maybe you can relate. Maybe you read in semi-disbelief. Maybe you’re thinking about unfriending me because you just didn’t realize how dysfunctional I am. If you read here with any regularity, you are not surprised. Happy humpday everyone!!

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