Hair of the Jo

There are certain things that one shouldn’t do in regards to one’s hair, especially if that one in question is female. I broke most of the rules this week. I have been desperately trying to find a hairdresser that I like in the Valpo area. I recently made an attempt to go to a local salon that came recommended by a few of my friends. Actually, most the women I know here go to this salon. So I went. The stylist talked about color, cut, etc. for a fair amount of time. She spent a fair amount of time doing the color and cut. When I left, I was happy. But as many of you know, we can be temperamental beasts when it comes to our hair. After a couple weeks, I was not liking the cut anymore. So, I did what anyone would do, and make another appointment with my old hairdresser. (Are they hairdressers, stylists, or something else? Is there a politically incorrect reference?) So far, so good.

After travelling from Valpo to Naperville, I tell my former hairdresser what I think I want. We make a few other random comments, and she cuts. When I left, I was happy. Seeing a trend here? When I get home, I don’t like it as much. I think that the angle along the side is too steep, and when the wind blows, I look like I have wings and could take off…if I weighed a little less, but that’s another conversation. I actually remember telling her that I don’t mind hair wings. I guess she thought that meant that I don’t mind wings. I guess I didn’t understand that I don’t actually like wings. As I was looking in the mirror in my bathroom, I could see that I can just cut off the wings. I can just take scissors and cut a straight line. It will be soooo easy. So, there I am with a pair of dull scissors in one hand and a hand held mirror in the other, so I can try to cut my hair straight while looking at the reflection of the reflection on the mirror on the wall. There is a reason that individuals that cut hair must go to beauty school. It turns out, it’s quite hard. And now I know this first hand. And pretty soon, your hair is not really the look you were going for. Not even close.

But it’s okay, because I can fix it, right? Right! Eventually, I stop and I give up on the straight line, because I figure that Travis can fix it for me later. Now, there is NO husband anywhere on the planet that wants to try to fix his wife’s crazy self-cut hair mistakes. Again, what could possibly go wrong? Ah, but before I can even get to that point, I decide that the hair needs some layering along the freshly cut sides. So I proceed with that nightmare, because I am unstoppable now.

So, here is the end result. I am now wearing excessive product in my hair, going for that choppy look, because it’s the only look that I can possibly make work. Travis has been avoiding me at any point in time that I may try to corner him to help fix the unevenness, because he is NOT taking the fall for this hair wreck. Meanwhile, I am finding some short cuts that I like a lot and am planning to go back to Naperville to have my stylist fix my unsightly hair. Don’t know when that will fit in the schedule, so if you see me, you can let me know how the choppy look is working. People, there are rules for a reason. Stay in the lines!! Or be stuck with the choppy, uneven look. And that’s that!

5 thoughts on “Hair of the Jo”

  1. There are certain things that should not be attempted. Cutting my own hair is also one of those things. I ended up just using the clippers and buzzed it. Great look when you have to wear a visor for work at the time. I am in agreement with Travis. Don’t even think of picking up those scissors. Not worth the harsh words that may follow or the stories to friends about how he made things worse. How do you look in a baseball cap, bandana or shower cap? It may be a temporary fix until that next appointment. 😜 Just remember that you are a beautiful person inside and out. This is just showing your willingness to change, good or bad. Keep up what your doing, it seems to be working!!

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