Sorry for the late post. Travis decided that I needed to cut his hair first thing this morning before he…
Last night, at 1:30am, Tessa came into my room and said, “Mom, is this a tick?” For some reason, I…
I couldn’t afford to take a week off of writing. I now have a backlog of things to write about.…
I now can include myself in the small percentage of the population whose vehicle has been stopped by driving over…
I’ve mentioned in a few blogs that I am a lunch lady. I often think of the Chris Farley and…
I have a peculiar habit of buying multiples of items that I discover I like. This happens with jeans, gym…
So, last week, I tried to have Travis use the poo bag as his travel bag for our weekend trip…
Way back in February, during my coaching season, I needed something to look forward to. I love coaching, but the…
These photos appear to be from the summer of 1973 or 1974. It was around this time that the Weizeorick…
When I left off, the Weizeorick clan was on the cusp of the final move, to Lisle. Dad actually took…