Bone on Bone

Permission was granted by all involved for the publishing of this blog. As you know, Travis got Covid despite being vaccinated. He credits the vaccine with keeping his case incredibly mild, since he was only feeling sick for twelve hours. He still got an unplanned week off of work. I got to sleep in Tayden’s room for eight nights. On the night of my return to the marital bed, I decided to make a bit of a production of it, dancing around the room in my regular sleepware of a tank top and underwear. I might have even been singing. Prior to my new hit dance in the bedroom, Travis had been reading something. At first, he looked up over his reading glasses, mildly amused. Then, because I was relentless in my desire for his participation (I took away the reading material and the glasses), he joined in the festivities, whooping and hollering like a hillbilly at a hog race. If you were wondering, this counts as romance in our marriage. 

At the apex of the dance number, I leaned into the bathroom to turn off the lights. The bathroom serves as our mood lighting, since it’s indirect, and nobody (including Travis) wants direct light on that show. Anyway, I leaned in to turn off the light and took the two steps back into the room, blinded by the light. I didn’t need to see because I knew right where I was going. I planted my right knee on the edge of the bed and swung my left knee up and over to straddle Trav. Except, Travis had slid over to make room for me. It was just occurring to me that something was woefully wrong as my knee came crashing down on his sweet spot. 

There was a rather loud whoosh of air and a strangled sound of a moan coming from deep inside Travis. After that, there was some coughing and gagging. Out of me, I hear, “ooooooOOOOOOOOOO NO!! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!!!” And then, around the same time Travis was recovering a bit, I started laughing. At first, it was a tentative laugh, but it soon turned into an uncontrolled, hysterical laugh. Truth is, in between moans, Travis was laughing too. And he added, “well, that was quite a return to bed!” Between uncontrolled laughs, I choked out, “I think it went smashing!” Then, I just went on laughing at my own joke. In the end, we were both laughing irrationally. Travis said it was more of a glancing blow, since the knee hammer planted on his inner thigh. Still, a glancing blow might be enough in this situation. When we both calmed down, it was clear that the potential for any romance had been crushed, so we just went to bed. While I was falling asleep, I would just start chuckling and Travis would poke me in the side. 

I am happy to share that Travis has made a full recovery from both Covid and the knee hammer. Have a great week everyone! It could be worse. You could be married to me!