Post Party Pick-up

I’m exhausted! It’s my own fault. I’m not sure how Travis got up to go into work today, but he did. He looked exhausted. It’s my fault. I planned Tayden’s open house followed by his friend “Day at the Lake” three days later. On the upside, I didn’t really have to plan a menu for the Day at the Lake, because I had a bunch of leftovers (probably because I didn’t invite a bunch of people that I needed to invite to the open house). I think everyone understands the work involved in an open house: food, yard games, drinks, more drinks, more food, clean before, clean after, giant tent up, giant tent down, chairs, tables, table cloths that blow off in the wind, go, go, go!!! I am neither the best nor the worst at open houses. I am probably a little below average. It was a fun day!! I think I talked to most everyone that came. I didn’t take a single picture. That’s part of my below average fail. 

Yesterday, we hosted a Day at the Lake for Tayden’s friends. This is a day full of mostly lake activities like kayaking, paddle boating, swim platform wars, boating, and tubing. In previous years, it also involved packing up multiple cars with kids and food and driving to the lakehouse and returning from the lakehouse. I considered doing this, but the new owners of our old lakehouse probably wouldn’t like that. Then the police would have to be called and arrests made. It would be ugly. Therefore, this is the first year we had it at home. Admittedly, I didn’t do a lot of cleaning before this. The house still had that post party vibe from Saturday. It was a great, if chilly, day! At least I think so, but I’m old and it doesn’t take much for me to be content. 

Now, I sit here surrounded by the remains of the day. Or, I suppose, the remains of the days. Drying towels and life jackets are draped over the furniture. We couldn’t leave them outside because it was going to rain overnight. It didn’t, but it was supposed to. The yard games were haphazardly pushed into the family room late into the party. The tubes are wet and resting against the house, waiting to get wet again from the rain. The sternos, desserts, and unopened chips are still on the serving tables that don’t belong in the family room. Around the campfire outside are a few remaining cans of pop that we missed grabbing in the dark. I look around and wonder who is going to clean all of this, since the kids and I spent last week cleaning for this. Of course, we all know the answer. I must rally the troops. But, can I take a day off? We have a stretch of down time now. Maybe I can just let it ride. Or is that bad because then I will never get to it? My cleaning lady sucks. Also, she is me. So that sucks. 

I will ponder the messiness while I live among it and feel bad for Travis for now because he had to pull himself from our comfortable bed to go to work. If anyone wants to come over and enjoy some lake time, let me know. Just bring your cleaning supplies. Lol!! Have a great week everyone! I continue to live my lasts before Tayden heads out the door to college. Soak it up!

1 thought on “Post Party Pick-up”

  1. Its all about the kids! How well you know that! If I lived closer, I’d be right over to help with the clean up…you know that I can handle that. The kids will remember the great time they had for many many years…and so will you and Travis. You’ll actually forget about the cleanup…what’s one more cleanup in reality. Thank you for doing all that you two do. Year’s from now, you’ll wonder how you did all of it, but wonderful memories will be left with the kids! Hugs, Mom 💚💚🌞

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