Is the quarantine getting to you yet? I have to believe it is. So, I just have a smattering of events that have happened over quarantine. First, Tessa continues to try to kill me with our morning workouts. Because I am still gaining weight, I decided to add 15 minutes of stairs each day. I read about some crazy work-out chick who added this to her three hours of working out per day for 30 days. I thought, “We could do that.” I made it exactly two days. The first day, I couldn’t believe it when I was only five minutes in. Certainly there was a problem with the timer on my phone. So, I watched it on the next few passes…There was no problem with the timer on my phone. The next day, I was ready to hit it. It was one of the days that I didn’t already work out in the morning, so I was going to instantly become a stair climbing machine. As in a human machine that climbs stairs, and not the workout equipment stair climber. It felt much easier. I thought I had this going on, until later in the day when my knee swelled up for no apparent reason. It was difficult to bend my knee and difficult to walk on it. Travis thought I had irritated my cruciate ligament. So, a few days of rest and Advil. Now, I am back to normal, but not quite willing to go back into the 30 day stair climb challenge. Besides, I’m sure it would unkindly wear out the carpet on the stairs. So, I am saving my carpet.

We are also a little more jumpy around here. The other day, I was showering in the middle of the day, because, why not? Travis was home, which was weird. He occasionally has these really short days because he would normally be doing surgeries and seeing post-surgical patients. He doesn’t have many of those patients anymore, so sometimes he is home early. So, he comes into the bedroom while I am in the shower. I don’t know this because I’m busy doing shower things. I come out of the shower, after drying off and squeegeeing the shower, hang up my towel and walk over to the closet to dress. As I walk by the bathroom doorway (we don’t actually have a bathroom door on our master bath…a weird choice, but I’ll own it) and see that our bedroom door is open. I yell, “WHOA!!!” As I jump back and out of view of the hallway. I think my kids have enough to discuss in counseling, due to having me as a mom, without adding full frontal to the list. Well, Taryn will already have to discuss that due to that unfortunate naked jumping around in a bar while trying to get thousands of baby spiders off of me. But hey, there were spiders, so all bets are off. You’ll have to check blogs from summer 2017 to find that story. But that’s just one kid out of four…only 25% of the kid population. Anyway, I digress. When I yelled, Travis jumped from a half-sleep on our bed, spinning and kicking like Bruce Lee, exclaiming, “WHAT?! WHAT’S GOING ON?! WHO’S THERE?! After wrapping myself in a towel, I completely broke down in laughter. I asked, “Who you going to get there killer, whirling and kicking like that?” He responded, “You can’t just go around yelling like that because a door is open. There could have been an intruder in the closet.” 

At this point, I have a difficult time responding because I am laughing so hard. I manage to squeak between laughing snorts, “There is no way I am going to yell ‘WHOA’ if I open the closet and there is an intruder in there. I think you are aware of my colorful vocabulary.”  He harrumphed and laid back down on the bed. I counted that laugh as my abs for the next day. Have a great week everyone! Remember, there will come a day that we wish we could rest like we are now.