Travis Things to be Thankful For

Sorry for the late post, but I had the day off and then had to coach, so I got a late start. I also have written this a couple times and decided to start over because I just can’t keep the sarcasm out. Truthfully, there are a lot of things about Travis to love. He just always counters them with things that are frustrating. Here is a non-all-inclusive list of the things about Travis that I am thankful for:

  1. His cooking. That man can cook. He makes jambalaya, shrimp stuffed sea bass with hollandaise sauce, hash, seared ahi tuna over grilled asparagus, pancakes, steak and lobster with the best bacon brussel sprouts, and any number of other things. He is amazing. And I like to eat. I should give a not to Peggy because she is an amazing cook, so I have to think it came from her. Now, if he could only manage to clean a little as he goes…ah well.
  2. His handiness. He can handle drywall, plumbing, electrical (with Merle’s help), cars, lawn mowers. He doesn’t like sanding though. And we may need to be cleaning for Thanksgiving, but he is in Travis project mode (like lets run antenna wire for a TV and punch several holes in the drywall right now instead), but he will fix it up. We are rarely on the same page, but things eventually get done. And he always needs an assistant because he is frequently in a tight spot (under a sink or car) or has his hands full. A nod to Merle for how handy Travis is.
  3. His sarcasm. I love it. He makes me laugh everyday. I see it in my kiddos and I love that too. Sorry to Travis’ coworkers, but I have cultivated and encouraged his sarcasm. Sometimes he even adds, “god that’s annoying” after being sarcastic. Makes me chuckle every time. 
  4. His silliness. Not everyone gets to see this. He is goofy. He calls the dogs gummies and threatens to swing the cats by their tails. He jumps around and swings his arms when I am mad. This doesn’t always help his situation, but it’s part of him. Sometimes he gets a double fist in the chest as a response, but I have to think he’s okay with that, because he continues to be silly when I am mad.
  5. His hugs. He is a great hugger. If he has never hugged you, you are missing out. 
  6. His dancing. I love to dance with him. In fact, at many a Weizeorick wedding, we didn’t speak to many people because we were on the dance floor, looking like we just stepped out of aerobics class. Just dressed nicer.
  7. His giving. He is a kind and giving person. He will claim that he is a selfish bugger, but I know better. He gets a little excited when someone has a plumbing problem that he can fix. Not sure what it is about him and plumbing…
  8. He puts up with me. Seriously, I am a handful. And not always in a good way. 

I know I got a good one. He is frustrating and annoying a lot of the time, but sometimes, just sometimes, I have to recognize his finer qualities. So I am also thankful for that Spanish 101 class on my very first day of college. I stood outside that door thinking that I was at the wrong room because this was Spanish 101 and someone in the class was involved in a full on Spanish conversation with the professor. How could that be? Turns out, Travis had just returned from a summer in Bolivia and was looking for an easy grade. Travis is the only thing I got out of Spanish class. But what a catch he was. Happy Thanksgiving everyone, still my favorite holiday!

2 thoughts on “Travis Things to be Thankful For”

  1. Travis K what can I say. It was a pleasure and a rare gift to have worked with you. I will never for get you and your beautiful family.

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