Sisters and Socks

I have a pretty amazing family. I’ve mentioned before that I am eliminating the delineation between sisters and sisters-in-law, although the sisters-in-law seem to enjoy the delineation,because they can say they aren’t really a Weizeorick by blood whenever it is deemed unfavorable to be a Weizeorick. Although, a Weizeorick by choice may be worse. Anyway, three of my sisters-in-law came to my rescue Monday, so they are in the fold whether they like it or not. We are sisters. 

I’ve discussed my struggles with our move to a new house and the work that the house needed. Travis and I have been living out of boxes of our belongings in our basement for months due to the renovation of the master bath and closet. The bathroom has been nearly done for a while, but the closet needed my finishing touches…mainly an organizer. I like the organizer thing. It’s my groove. Last weekend, I spent the entire weekend putting in the closet organizer. I had to order it from Wayfair because all the big box hardware stores have significantly cut their selection of organizers. Who knows how much time I spent opening and breaking down just the packaging everything came in. Travis thought he could come in Saturday night and comment of locations of shelving. He nearly took a mallet to the head. A month ago, I begged him to comment on the layout and shelves I wanted to use and he wasn’t interested. You don’t get to be interested after everything is carefully measured and going up. He was allowed to help Sunday night when I realized missing parts and time overruns were not going to allow me to finish, but he had to keep his mouth SHUT and do what I told him to do. 

Anyway, on Monday, Meg, Laura, and Jeanne (always dangerous to have Jeanne) came to my rescue and hauled our jumbled and picked-through boxes of belongings up front the basement room that we were using as our dressing zone. Then they helped me organize it. Then they helped more in the basement. Well, actually, Jeanne was working on my dining room the whole time. It looks great, but I wasn’t allowed to look through the stuff going to good will. Things were definitely missing. I had a fine collection of staplers and scissors that look significantly reduced. And I don’t know where anything is. But hey, there is a price to pay. 

Through this process, my sock issue came to light. I have far too many socks, especially considering that I wear the same socks over and over. When I realize a sock isn’t going to work out, I partner it and leave it in the laundry room. Maybe someone else in the house will like those socks! How do you just eliminate perfectly good, sometimes new socks? Maybe the socks want to have a party with the staplers and scissors. Anyway, there were a couple boxes of just socks. They had their mates. They were resting comfortably. They were relatively new. I told the sisters that I couldn’t face the sock issue Monday. So it still lingers. I am sure that there is someone somewhere in the world that could use my socks. I just have to part with them first…

Before I close out, I have to also nod to other sisters, Debbie, Jeannie, Teresa, and Gayle, and my in laws, Peggy and Merle,for their past assistance. My whole family is always super helpful, but at different times, different people have time.I suspect that the whole crew just doesn’t want to host a Weizeorick Thanksgiving, so it is pertinent that I get this house up and running. I’ll keep you posted on the Thanksgiving countdown. Weekdays don’t really count because nothing much besides work and coaching gets done.

Have a great humpday everyone! 

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