The Slow Move

You would think that I would be good at moving, having just moved twice in four years. You would be wrong. I seem to expect my things to unpack themselves. We have only been home one out of three weekends since the move. I have managed to get to book club, Bunco, dinners out, and a college apartment move, but can’t seem to unpack. I finally had to cave in and buy deodorant after going a few days without it when I ran out of the supply that I packed to cover the time it took me to unpack my backup supply. In my defense, the original deodorant crumbled apart, so I should have gotten a couple more weeks out of it. If you ever wondered if you can use the crumbled pieces by rubbing them on, I’m here to tell you no, you can’t. It’s like trying to spread dried up play dough in your arm pits. And I sat there on the bathroom floor, panicked, trying to make the deodorant crumble work for me. Anyway, as someone that can’t smell, skipping deodorant is a high risk event. Even my kids were concerned. Or maybe they could smell me. That’s why my sweet Taryn bought me a new deodorant after her shift at the grocery store one day.

As I came upon the imminent end of my soap supply earlier this week, I knew I needed an action plan. Fortunately, Travis’ soap supply was equally low, so I could count on his help. This week, instead of unpacking, we engaged in Operation Find the Soap (and other supplies undoubtedly packed with the soap). This involved opening any box that may have the soap. Since we had already tried this on a more organized level last week, opening those labeled master bath, we had to employ a more generalized approach. Clearly, this bad boy was mismarked. By the way, I didn’t realize how many cleaning supplies I had in my master bath. I don’t even like to clean. There is a ban on the purchase of cleaning supplies right now. So if our mirrors look streaked, it’s because we simply have too much soft scrub and have to use it up before we purchase Windex. Who am I kidding!! You’ll be lucky if you find the bathroom. But that’s okay. I actually have a huge bath tub in my living room right now, so that makes the living room a bath room without a toilet.

I have also been wearing my gym shoes to work. See, I thought I’d wear cute sandals to work, so that’s all I kept out. Turns out I don’t control the thermostat, so it is freezing in my office and I don’t like cold feet. It’s okay. I really like wearing gym shoes and everyone is leaving me alone about it, so I’ve actually stopped trying to find my shoes.

You’ll be relieved to know, we found the soap. So, now I have a big box on the floor of the small downstairs bathroom that Travis and I are using while our master bath is getting done. There’s an upside. Since you can’t open the door all the way, I am less likely to get hit by the door when Travis comes in while I’m getting ready for work in the morning. So there’s that. At some point I may need to employ assistance in the unpacking. Hopefully before I get used to box city and officially convert over to a hoarder. But first, I have to get three kids off to college. Ugh!!

1 thought on “The Slow Move”

  1. I still have unpacked boxes from 4 and 1/2 years ago. And some from the move I made in 2004. This is not a joke. You brought me joy on this first day back to school.

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