Getting Old

So, it happened again last night. I was so exhausted. I thought I could just lay down on the couch for a bit (whatever that is) to rest, so that I could finish my evening chores, which included a trip to the basement to move the wet clothes to the dryer and fold the clothes in the dryer. What is it about laundry that feels so overwhelming at night? Then, I wake up in a pool of sweat at 1 a.m. to a dark house, with a dog or two squeezed on the blazing hot couch. When will I learn? There is NO bit of rest that late. It’s REM time. I know this, yet some version of this scenario continues to play out many evenings.


What’s with the random pains? I am done with them. I wake up one morning and I can barely put weight on my heel. I self-diagnose plantar fasciitis. I mean, why go see a doctor when I have google? Even when Travis runs into his friend, the podiatrist, and tells him that I am planning to go see him, I still don’t do it. I think I’ll wait until my entire leg is in pain before I go to the doctor. I can just solve this with purchasing 20 different shoe inserts and applying them to nearly every pair of shoes I own. And, I gave up wearing dress heels of any sort. Really, it may not be plantar fasciitis. And it may be curable. But my google search is almost as good as a medical degree. And so I suffer on (since January). Don’t judge!!! You’re doing the same thing for something else.


A few days ago, while washing dishes (nothing heavy, I swear), my back is suddenly in screaming pain. I mean, I would scream, except the pain is so sharp, I exhale and have no air left to scream. And then it’s mostly gone. Except, experience tells me that I will be suffering with this for at least a week. I can be doing nothing and suddenly, my back is in extreme pain. It also usually stops supporting my weight if I am leaning over, so I have to squat down to prevent myself from falling forward. This will go away too. Just a little Advil and time. No need to see anyone.


And so it goes with age. I wake up on the couch in the middle of the night, trying not to bend my back the wrong way, and limp to bed, pain shooting through my heel, leaving the laundry until the morning. I’ll just rewash the load then. I gimp along to fight another day. I really would have appreciated the warning about aging. Of course, there really is no alternative. And maybe somebody did warn me. I was just so busy being young, I didn’t listen. Imagine that! Sounds like my kids! Just thankful for one more day on the upside of the turf I guess.

2 thoughts on “Getting Old”

  1. Wow…for someone who has not even hit 50. Sis you are really falling apart. You will not like my recommendation….More Exercise, include weight bearing exercise…Lifting glass of wine and Laundry do not count.
    As to your foot, I had two heal Spur surgeries (one for each foot) in my 30’s. Shots and therapy did not work for my. After each surgery I walked to my car (with a boot) and drove home. I was wearing normal shoes after 3 days and running after only 2 weeks. Your choice…live with the pain which limits your exercise which causes you to age faster or….just fix it.

    Good Luck.
    Your favorite brother

    1. Nobody said that I wasn’t working out. I so spin 3 to 4 times a week and strength training one day a week. I had to switch to spin because it’s easier on my heel. And the strength doesn’t involve any jumping.

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