Socks and Underwear

So, last night I found myself watching movies and sorting socks. What I have discovered is that we have left the odd sock basket go so long that we actually can now wear socks into the summer without having to wash any socks between now and then. We actually had two odd sock baskets. And they were big baskets. Turns out, the dryer isn’t actually eating one sock or the other of each pair. In our house, we are just too lazy to find two socks that match, so we wear mismatched socks, or we buy new socks. Sometimes we do both. In truth, I was only sorting socks and watching movies because a finger of lake effect snow decided to point with laser precision at Valparaiso and drop snow all afternoon, causing the school to let the kids out early and cancel all after school activities. So, we were all at home (instead of at pep band, basketball, and diving), doing homework, making breakfast for dinner (always good in a snow storm), and watching movies. But since it is a school/work night, it seemed like we couldn’t just watch movies guilt free, so I hauled up the two large baskets of mismatched socks that have been collecting since we lived in Lisle (yes, I moved them), and helped them find their mates. And now we have socks. We might not like all the socks, but we have them. Although, we have no place to put them, as nobody had that much room in their sock drawers. But Mount Sockmore on the living room floor isn’t going to work. And because of the snow, I have figured out why our taxes are so low in Porter County. See, despite being in the snow belt, we have only one snow plow for the entire county. And Cousin Eddy is driving it. And he doesn’t like to plow overnight in the dark. So we also have a late start tomorrow. Because buses don’t have four-wheel-drive. And there was too much snow to plow in the daylight. So, Cousin Eddy will start back up right after his 9am coffee.

So that’s the socks part. In a completely unrelated topic (except that it also happened last week), a friend of mine told me that she doesn’t wear underwear when she works out at the gym. I was shocked. I thought that it may be pertinent to wear underwear to contain the sweat. She said that she figured that she would sweat with or without underwear, so what’s the difference? So, I tried it. Oh yes, I went commando at the gym! And I felt free and cooler. Turns out, the underwear may be actually causing the sweat. I had better air circulation. And at the risk of sounding creepy, I was trying to see if other woman at the gym were lacking underwear. It’s hard to analyze other women’s asses undetected with mirrors all around, so I played like I was just following their lead during the class. And since I haven’t been going to this gym all that long, none of them will read this. Besides, one of the reasons I was given for going sans dundies (without undergarments) is that underwear forms lines under workout pants. Well, if nobody is looking, who cares if there are lines? So I looked. And there were NO lines!!! The cat is out of the bag! Or something is out of the confining underwear. At least for that hour of the day. So, now I will work out without the confining underwear… panty-line-free! And I have lots of socks to wear to the gym. Or maybe I should skip the socks at the gym too. One dramatic change at a time. One at a time.

1 thought on “Socks and Underwear”

  1. Gym or no gym, lines or no lines…I just can’t get into (or should I say “out of”) the “no underwear” thing !!!!

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