The Christmas that Wasn’t

I finally got Covid. It happened on Friday, Dec. 22nd. I might have been a little cocky, saying that I never got it despite multiple exposures. I might have said that they should test my blood, because I don’t get Covid. I might have believed my own BS. But all that ended on that Friday. That was my first official day of break from work, so of course, I would get sick. For me, it was a headache, sneezing, loss of smell (kept my taste), and a day of feeling sick, followed by a day of sleeping. I only tested because I lost my smell. Tessa promptly got it Saturday. Despite spending the entire day at work with me as my assistant fake teacher, Tayden didn’t get it. Travis had been sick earlier in the week, but never tested, so we don’t know if he was the start point, or if it came from school. By Christmas, I was feeling fine, but we didn’t want to leave Tessa home alone for Christmas, and I didn’t feel like spreading it to my extended family, so we stayed home. Tessa was still feeling sick. We sent Trent, Juliana, Taryn, and Wolfe to represent at the family Christmas. 

So, I feel like I didn’t have a Christmas. I didn’t even see two of my kids. How is that Christmas? We just laid around all day. How is that Christmas? Those of us in the house of ill opened our gifts, and watched football. Trent and Juliana came by to give us gifts and collect gifts, but they stayed in the entranceway and scooted home quickly. How is that Christmas? I didn’t even get to finish my stocking stuffers, because I was sick. How is that Christmas? I didn’t see my brothers, sisters, dad, in-laws, nieces, nephews. Somehow, I feel like I skipped Christmas. I am thankful that I could still ski with the kids in Wisconsin the week after Christmas. At least that felt like Christmas. I was so busy basking in the only Christmas vibes of the season, that I took few pictures. 

And now, Tessa is back at med school, Travis is back to work, Tayden is back at his internship. I feel a little cheated. I want a Christmas do-over, but I don’t really have the time. I overscheduled January to make it go away a little faster. I love snow, but I hate cold, and I really hate my driveway in the winter. January presents a quandary for me. I am happy when it snows… right until I have to bundle up, put on the gator step boots (thanks for that game changer Alese), and clear the driveway. That’s a short window for enjoyment. So, I schedule and schedule. By February, I am usually done even finding enjoyment in the snow, so I scheduled that away too. 

So now, I look forward to Easter, when I can spend time with my extended family and feel more normal. Let’s hope I didn’t open the door for more Covid. Did I just create the threshold of motion for Covid? Let’s hope not. Happy New Year everyone! May 2024 be the year you need it to be?