Where has the Summer Gone?

I’m trying to figure out where the summer went? It’s barely begun, and it’s scheduled out. Trav and I were talking about when we can get to Lake Shafer to spend time with his sister Krishna, and her soon-to-be-husband, Jeff. We are trying to schedule it in September. We have a family vacation, a weekend away with friends in Tennessee, guys weekend, girls weekend, a family visit, a big friend visit, a few more visits, graduation parties, Fourth of July with Phil and Mel, moving weekends for my two that are still in college (I have three in college, but only two need to move), and that’s a wrap. We haven’t even begun, and it’s all scheduled out. I am really looking forward to everything, but I know it will be over in the blink of an eye. Then, the school year will start and I’ll try to balance the end of the summer with work, which is way more difficult. 

Right now is a great time to be a teacher! Or work in a school in general. This is the only time of year that other people are jealous of teachers. When teachers are buried in grading every weekend during the school year, nobody wants to do that. I’m lucky because I am a fake teacher, so I don’t grade. I am quietly enjoying the benefits of teaching without the burden of grading. But my job has to be renewed every year, so I’m always on the chopping block if cuts need to be made. Lucky for me, I was renewed for next year!

Back to summer! I’m not the only one that misses the slow, lazy days of summers past, am I? Really, did that even exist, or am I imagining that? In my head, summer is hot, slow, relaxing. In reality, it is fast paced, scheduled, and sometimes overwhelming. The truth is, I don’t do bored very well, so I’ll take it. So, there it is. I overschedule because I don’t like the lazy days of summer. 

There are a couple weekends open, squeezed between very scheduled weekends. And we are always in the mood for a weeknight boat ride. Let us know if you want to be on the list for one. We take advance planners or a list of people that may be open for a last minute ride. 

Let the shenanigans begin!!