Driveway-Hibernation Mode

The other day, a random car appeared in our driveway. As you may have figured out, we don’t get random cars in our driveway. We do get delivery vehicles, but other than that, we are usually expecting the people in the cars that tackle our driveway. Trent and I were in the kitchen, so we watched out the window, wondering who would venture into our private realm. It was some random guy… in that random car… in our driveway, so Trent went to the door to talk to Mr. Random. Mr. Random was carrying a bag from Menards, walking up to our door as if he was returning home from running an errand. It turns out, he wanted to be at our neighbor’s house. In the conversation with Trent, Mr. Random did mention, “That’s one heck of a driveway you’ve got there. Bet you hear that all the time. Bet that’s fun in winter.” Trent continued on in polite conversation while redirecting the gentleman to the neighbor’s. When Trent came back into the house and relayed the conversation, I told Trent that I am in driveway-hibernation mode. This is a form of self-preservation that kicks-in every spring. I pretend that we live in a normal house with a normal driveway. And for the most part, barring a few falls and run away trash cans, I can live oblivious to my driveway situation, at least until November. I get nearly eight blissful months of normal, before crazy comes home. 

I have even put away the driveway salt that usually resides in the corner of our entranceway. That corner is now host to mole and termite traps. We don’t have signs of termites, but an old termite trap from the previous owners was pushed completely out of the ground by something. It was probably one of our resident moles, but we thought maybe we could go after both moles and termites. We live on a lake in a cedar sided house, so we just need to be safe. We are just waiting for a day that isn’t pouring rain so we can while away a Saturday installing these items, and undoubtedly arguing about it. 

So, while we await the spring type of extreme weather (heavy rain, damaging winds, hail), which is expected later today, we wrap up our personal winter issues. The fun never ends in the Midwest. Like most people, I sometimes contemplate why we live this far north. I like snow, in December only, and after it is removed from my driveway, but I am wondering if I could give it up. I won’t, of course, but sometimes I wonder. So, if we get a wild, unexpected, April snow storm, you can thank me, because I put away the driveway salt and Mother Nature was watching and chuckling. 

Have a great week everyone. Stay safe out there in the crazy weather today.